016: Brand
What is your brand? What sets you apart from others? This may seem like an easy question and something you already know. However, when it comes to your brand it’s not about what you think you know, it’s about how the outside world sees you and your work.
Look at your bio, your write up, what does it say about you? Are you an ‘engaging performer’ with a ‘brand new album’, a ‘powerhouse’, ‘talented’, ‘compelling’. These are all great traits to possess and you’ll need them to stand out in this industry. But that doesn’t matter when it comes to your brand. The reality is that there are hundreds of other great performers out there who can say the exact same thing. If you want to stand out you can’t use the same type of description that everyone else is using.
So what do you need to do to stand out? You need to start by asking yourself some important questions. What truly makes you different? What actually separates you from others? 'Oh' ...your record was produced by so and so amazing producer…..so are lots of people. 'Ohhhhh'…...you’ve toured the country and wowed audiences…..so does everyone else.
OK OK - I’ll stop sounding so harsh, but I really want to drive this point home. Again, these are great things to do, and you should be proud if you can say these things about yourself. Your brand is about standing out though, not fitting it to a mold. If the bio you use can be applied to someone else, you need a better description. You should test this. Take your bio - sub in another performer's name and see if it more or less sounds like something they could get away with using. If so, your bio needs some serious work.
Trying to find the right things to say is not an easy task. It requires you to reflect on yourself and find out what truly separates you from others. If you can’t find that answer, don’t assume it’s a problem with the words. Many of us have a tendency to try and fit in and mirror the success we see others having. Those people are on their own path - and the ones that are successful have usually embraced the traits that make them truly unique. If you haven’t fully embraced what makes you unique, it will be hard to find the words, because you’re not presenting it in the work you do.
Still a bit harsh? Don’t worry, there is hope at the end of this, I promise.
I say these things because I know too many people hold back and fear showing their true self - especially when you’re doing that on a stage for all to see. It requires you to be vulnerable, and that can be scary, but following that path is the way to success.
If you’ve got this far and are now questioning what to do, don’t panic. It’s time to reflect, it’s time to come to terms with the fact that the reason you aren’t getting noticed like you want is because you are the one blending in. By following the trends and doing what makes other people successful you have become a watered down version of what you’re truly capable of. Embrace what makes you different. If you feel like you're on a different path than everyone around you, then that is great! It means you’re on the right track. Don’t look for your action to be validated by what others are doing. Look for the things that make you an outlier and dive further into them. Embrace the things that make you YOU - not what makes you like everyone else.
You will reach a point where you’ll no longer have trouble defining what you do - you won’t be searching for the words, because you won’t have to. You’ll have a clear picture of who you truly are. Drop the buzzwords, drop the cookie cutter bios. Embrace your own quirks and use those to stand out.